Vampire the masquerade redemption item codes
Vampire the masquerade redemption item codes

Justified the second time, though: when you return to the temple with Lucretia's heart, a Setite acolyte will take you down to her sanctum. except for the Setite Temple, which you'll have to run all the way back through, twice.

  • Most lengthy levels have a convenient exit after completion through which you can resurface at the entrance or the first floor.
  • Fortunately, them getting stuck on items or scenery isn't a huge issue, as you needn't gather your party to venture forth: any single character entering or leaving an area will teleport the entire coterie to you.
  • Anti-Frustration Features: Your AI-controlled coterie will no doubt encounter some of the classic pathing problems so many point-and-click RPGs enjoy.
  • Of course the only businesses in town that are open in the middle of the night cater to vampires and/or nocturnal thugs that's just good marketing. Christof gets a taste of it if you accept the Big Bad's offer in the end.
  • And I Must Scream: Tzimisce vampires live and breathe (er, figuratively) the infliction of this trope.
  • By the end of the game, Libussa is probably the most sympathetic Tzimisce, and only then when her madness ebbs.

    vampire the masquerade redemption item codes

    Played straight with the Tzimisce, who from the lowest dreg to the highest Antediluvian-level threat are presented as nothing short of monstrous. Also averted with the Sabbat, whose ranks notably include Ecaterina and Wilhem after the timeskip.

  • Always Chaotic Evil: Averted with most of the clans, including your enemies, most of whom come off looking better against Clan Tzimisce and produce at least one or two reasonable figures.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Christof can learn the disciplines from any clan, whereas the NPCs (friendly or enemy) can only learn their own clan's disciplines.
  • All There in the Manual: The manual contains a lot of information on Christof's backstory and the Old World of Darkness that never actually comes up during the course of the game.
  • vampire the masquerade redemption item codes

    The Tremere lord, Etrius, even calls you out after his boss battle for wasting his time and resources when he's trying to fight a war against real monsters who'd see the world destroyed.

  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Both the Tremere and the Tzimisce are antagonists, at odds with each other as well as you, but the latter is up to far worse things than the former.
  • The Giovanni boss is also quite polite and pragmatic, and a generous interpretation of Count Orsi could see him as this too. This is Clan Tzimisce's hat in general, although Big Bad Vukodlak is more Faux Affably Evil.
  • Affably Evil: Ahzra, who is quite polite despite her inhuman evil.
  • Anezka tries to be this, too, but doesn't really succeed.

    vampire the masquerade redemption item codes vampire the masquerade redemption item codes

  • Action Girl: Every female vampire who is not hostile to you.
  • Aborted Arc: Archbishop Geza is shown to be rather more unsavoury than he first seems, harbouring what's implied to be a most improper lust for Anezka, but disappears from the story after Christof's Embrace.

  • Vampire the masquerade redemption item codes